2014 m. spalio 18 d., šeštadienis


Hello. I'm here again.
Sorry, for not writing for so long.
I've been thinking about my past for a couple last days. I've been reading some old letters, from 2010 and couldnt help myself, but smile. In a way, I was completely different person back then! So full of happiness, and carelessness. I was a little sun shining back then, full of love and silly dreams. I was fifteen.
Yet, I like the way I turned out to be. Little shy, little cynical and little mad in a way. You like me also, don't you?
One of my friends recently told me, that I am the kind of person, who could achieve a lot, but is too afraid to. That's true tho. I have been told, that I could be a great leader. I know that people listen to me. Problem? Rest of the world is outside my comfort zone. And I aint leaving my warm and cozy comfort zone, I aint breaking my shell and I AM STAYING THE WAY I AM.
Sorry for not saying anything strong, like "I'm gonna change!" or "I'm gonna conquer the World". Sorry for not making any sense. If you've been with me for a long time, you have probably alredy got used to it.
I'd like to thank YOU, for actually reading my nonsenses.

Please, be strong.

